Nice to Meet You


To stay relevant, you need content that evokes an emotional response from your audience. But you’re too busy running your business to spend hours creating content…
Thankfully, there are people like me that love doing exactly that!
I know that the number one goal of your website, blog, or advertising campaign should be to command your audience’s attention, engage them, and motivate them to take action.
My job is to take YOUR message and craft it in a way that entices, engages, and moves your audience to a desired action.
I’ll develop a content strategy that drives more prospects to your website and supercharges your brand profile, subscriptions, and – most importantly – sales.
From a young age, I was inspired to write stories and that passion has continued into adult life. The only difference is that today I’m a storyteller for my clients, who I help to unlock their true brand potential. 
After graduating from high school, I completed a Bachelor of Communication (Majoring in Journalism) and a Diploma of Professional Writing & Editing. I’ve since gone on to work in advertising and communication roles for such companies as News Corp Australia and Bauer Media.
Today, I’m fortunate to work full-time as a sales copywriter and content marketing specialist. I LOVE what I do and the opportunity it gives me to work with people from all walks of life.
Please feel free to reach to me if you’d fancy a chat. I’d love to get to know more about you and your business goals. 

Let me turn your tired and drab content into copywriting that packs a punch. This means more views, more leads, and more SALES. 



New Horizons Blog Content

Here's What I Can Do for You

Web Copy

Captivating, on-brand website copy that catches AND keeps visitors' attention.

Landing Pages

Landing pages and sales pages that were born to convert.

Email Marketing

Email copy that people actually want to read. Direct-response and editorial email copy to new and prospective subscribers.


Blog posts that naturally incorporate keywords to ensure you rank higher in Google. Trust me, Chat GPT can only do so much!

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions that avoid standard advertising rhetoric. Because let's face it, it's more fun to add some personality!


Ad campaigns that capture the perfect combination of brand personality and just the right amount of persuasion (without being too 'salesy'!).

Social Media

Content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement across social media.

Press Releases

Concise, compelling, and newsworthy press releases that will quickly have your company being noticed and talked about.


Work with Me!